Actually, I apologised to be civilised, however, I totally disagree that it is dehumanising. I am not dehumanised by being referred to as Male, it is after all what I am. If you choose to feel offended that is your right. In other articles I have referred to men as males and not received a single complaint from men or been accused as hateful or dehumanising towards men. Tell me something, every time you apply for a job or or a loan , or fill in some sort of government document, do you take issue with that as well when it asks you to indicate what your gender is by indicating male or female? I think some people need to get over themselves. Oh, yes, and you did not have to patronise me by reiterating what her point was, I got it when she said it. Like I said, I accepted that I had perhaps unwittingly caused offence and apologised and changed the word. Sorry but you’re a little late to this party, that bus has gone. But thank you for taking the trouble to read it anyway.
One more thing, do you also take issue with all of the misandry stories that swamp us on an almost daily basis? Thyings like “All men are liars,” etc, etc. I betcha don’t. :)
PS I have just come across a story by a woman who referred to women as females. Is that dehumanising hate speech as well?