“In every way all men are guilty?" It beggars belief that you can say that after chastising me about the mistaken use of the word ‘female’. Talk about double standards. Now you are insulting every single man who is not guilty. I offered a balanced view from a man's perspective. And the best you can do is resort to audacious insults. I would love to hear by what measure “ In every way all men are guilty." If I said that about women I would not only be wrong, but also under attack from all decent women. Also, I get the impression that you are not fully aware of what ‘Patriarchy’ is and how it operates in a perjoritive way to both men and women. Please give more thought to your comments if you want to be taken seriously. You can be part of the solution or part of the problem. On what you have said it is clear that you are very much a part of the problem.