All my married I loved and cared for others more than I did myself. I always put them first and me last. After a very vicious acrimonious divorce that all changed. I went out and for the first time ever, I spent a thousand pounds on new clothes. I told myself I deserved them. I also went out and bought myself a new car, a lovely, fully specced Volvo top of the line 750. Air con, leather seats, the lot, because I deserved it. Women are very good at that. It’s called retail therapy.
Then think of all the things you wanted to do when you were married, but never got round to it because you were too busy looking after everybody else. So in my case, there was a mountain I had wanted to climb for nigh on twenty years. So one Saturday I just loaded up my car and drove 150 miles, just to climb that mountain. Because I deserved it.
I won’t go on, but I did lots of things, just for me. Yes forgive yourself for anything you feel bad about too. You are a child of the universe, a traveller through time, through trials and tribulations. Sometimes you trip and fall, make mistakes, do things you were not proud of. Let it go, it is all part and parcel of the process of being a learner of life. In the end you will get more things right than wrong and become a much better person for it. You will always make some mistakes, just try to not make the same ones.