And The Point Being Made Was…..?

France, you ought to be deeply ashamed of what you have done

Liam Ireland
2 min readJul 28, 2024
Image Courtesy of The Daily Guardian

At my age, I don't generally allow myself to become outraged. This is one of those rare occasions when even an easygoing pacifist like me is furious with what France has done with the debacle of an Olympic opening ceremony.

Every single person who participated in this, who sanctioned it from within the French Government and the Olympic Committee, every thespian who flaunted their ugly disrespect for the beliefs of 2.4 billion Christians around the world, should hang their pathetic Woke heads in shame.

It was always my understanding that the Olympics was not only a sporting event, it was also a vehicle for uniting the peoples of the world. This disgraceful mocking of our beliefs is way beyond the pale. This show had nothing to do with sport or the true meaning of the Olympics. Yet you chose to infect it with your depraved demonstration of Woke culture.

I don't really care what these people think they were saying to the world, what came across to me and every other Christian loud, clear and downright ugly, was FU and your Christianity. FU to your message of peace and love. FU to everything that you hold dear and cherish. Well, listen up France, FU to your Olympics. It was a disgrace and an insult executed on a global stage for all of the world to see.

Would you dare to do that with the Muslim or Jewish faith? No, you wouldn’t, because you know the backlash in your own country would have caused a very strong reaction amongst the people who inhabit your country.

As for us Christians, like Michelle Barrack once said, when you go low, we go high. We will boycott your pathetic show of such an important event and encourage others to do the same. Then we will turn the other cheek. Yes, we will have our say, but we will do it in a civilised manner.

Already advertisers have started to withdraw their support, and quite rightly so. We cannot demand that the event be cancelled, much as we might want to, but we can turn off the TV and pay no more attention to your global shitshow. Au revoir.



Liam Ireland
Liam Ireland

Written by Liam Ireland

I'm a writer who writes his life, a life just like yours, and creates great connections. Welcome on board.

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