As I said in the piece, anything goes more or less. Having said that, I really do not know what the chances of success or curation are. The idea is not only to allow published writers and authors to re-purpose their published work, but also to allow writers write new stuff and to publish it to test the water, to see what feedback you get from readers.
I personally did it repurposing the other way around, writing stories here in serial form and, based on feedback from my readers, I then turned those pieces into a complete story and published them as ebooks on Amazon.
Remember it is not only Medium who decide on Curation. If you write a piece that is so engaging it attracts lots of reads, like thousands, then I think it would stand a good chance of curation. However, I can no more predict the true likelihood of that any more than I can the English weather.
It is possible to write parts as complete in themselves and as part of a greater whole. It is an initiative that allows writers to experiment with their work and see if it works out ok.
I'm sorry if this all seems a little woolly, but it is a new project which will only be seen to be successful, or not, after we have given it a go. Nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose.