Hey Mike, that is one excellent read sir. It resonated a great deal with me as I too am all too close to my seventh decade (69) and have had problems with visceral fat. Finally I was forced to do something about it due to it causing me serious health problems. Anyway, as you suggest, it's all about fine tuning your diet, which I have done, and regular exercise, which I do every single day. The result has been startling as I have lost six or seven kilos of abdominal fat. I still have some way to go, but I'm getting there. Writers block and negative comments, been there, had it all. It goes with the territory. Just remember to be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up about it. You're a smart man and it shows in your writing. Dr Yildiz? Wow, what can I tell you? He got me through a great deal and helped to make me the writer I am. He is an amazing leader and mentor. Stick with it my man.