Hi Kristina. A fellow musician I see. I play guitar and piano and keyboards. I write all my own songs and music and try to play as many of the instruments as I can.
On Bandcamp I have two albums under the name of William Peter O'Neill. Nobodies Pet, from which This World comes. That is from way back in 1990.
I also have Lost and Found from 2018. The album is a little Leonard Cohenesque and I have pizzicato violins, cellos and all sorts of other weird and wonderful stuff. I did all my own arrangements and production, with help for percussion and female vocals. I also have Bon Jovi guitar virtuoso and Producer (plus Hendrix and the Ramones etc) doing some nice guitar work for me.
Let me know what you think. BTW you have a free listen, but the albums are available at the stupidly low price of just five dollars each. Lost and Found, produced between the UK, the USA and the south of Spain, alone cost me thirty thousand dollars!
Have a listen and let me know what you think and thank you for the contact.