Hi SM. Being the new kid on the block in terms of editing, I had no idea when we spoke you were on the team. It was lovely to see you up there with the rest of us man. I love your writing, as you probably guessed anyway.
Sadly Medium rules preclude me from promoting the album in my posts, which is ok with me, I get it. Same rule applies to all of us.
However, privately I can tell you to go to Bandcamo, type in my music artist name William Peter O'Neill and it will take you directly to my page on bandcamp.
You'll see two albums, Nobodies Pet, which This World is from, and Lost and Found. Both albums were beautifully produced. I have Bon Jovi Producer Lance Quinn on Lost and Found. The two aibums are a steal at just five dollars each, though you can make do with a free listen if that's all you want. Let me know what you think. And lovely to meet you here huh.