I read this with more than passing interest. First, it is well-intentioned, and that is all to the good. However, you make claims which are not substantial. I’m sorry to burst your bubble ladies, but very significant numbers of women DO physically abuse men, and yes, they even end men, lots, though not near as many as the men who physically abuse and end women. It just goes unreported by men for fear of being seen as weak or for fear of being ridiculed by just about everybody, including the authorities. You claim that “most men will never experience being physically abused or ended by the opposite sex”. You need to do more research into the subject. Try taking a look at the real-life authentic cases investigated on YouTube. Be prepared to be shocked.
I have just published an article that could be seen as a male counterpart to this one of yours. And sure enough, after people had read my personal experience of physical abuse and a plot to see me off for no logical reason at all, I got plausible deniability and victim shaming from certain female readers. I also got comments from a good number of men who might not have previously spoken up, but when they saw me bring it out into the open I got quite a few Me Too responses. Let's be honest here, neither men nor women have got the monopoly on being shitty towards their female or male counterparts. I too got told in no uncertain terms by one female reader that I should have chosen better, ergo it was all my fault. In a nutshell, I got what I deserved. So I do get where you are coming from, but sadly it cuts both ways. Maybe not to the same degree, but it does exist. It is high time we all got our heads together and worked together to try to eradicate the abuse on both sides.