My intention was NOT to support it per se but to challenge it as being too one-sided. If you want our support, you stand more chance of getting it if you stop having such a myopic view. Violence does not have only one particular gender, age, nationality, culture or creed. Yes, most female violence and abuse towards men goes unreported, which has the effect of skewing the statistics. I have met many women who point blank refuse to accept that women can also be violent and abusive towards men. Even some men refuse to believe it!
"...most men will never experience being physically abused or ended by the opposite sex..." this is completely uninformed by the reality of the situation. All I said was men also get screwed with abuse and violence by women. The problem is lots of women do not want to hear that. They think they have some sort of monopoly on abuse and violence. Well, it's wake-up time. And if speaking out about this means I get flak or become unpopular, so be it. I will stand up against violence against anybody, man, woman, child, senior citizen.