Liam Ireland
2 min readJul 19, 2024


My view is that writing about writing is a bit of a two-sided coin. Yes, some posts on the subject are helpful, however...

It is an obvious subject for new writers who learn and then immediately turn to telling everybody what they learned.

Their audience is other new writers coming up behind them. But for accomplished writers like you and me, I personally do not feel the need to learn about what I have been doing as a professional writer for forty years.

I do sometimes write those sorts of stories about the more advanced sides of the subject, like self-publishing. But the basics I leave well alone.

From Medium’s point of view, it is perfectly clear what is going on. In order to make a profit they have capped or curtailed all the top writers by not curating their work, thus saving Medium a lot of money in payouts.

They have at the same time chosen to curate writers at the bottom of the pile who have yet to establish any sort of following.

Basically, Medium is bottom-feeding, or dumbing down. I think that they are trying to woo more beginners and get rid of the great writers. That way they think they will finally turn a profit.

Will things change? Maybe, maybe not. If they lose their top writers they will lose subscribing readers. They could well be shooting themselves in the foot. Maybe when they see that they will change back and make it attractive to woo those top writers who have left to return.

Of course, I could be wrong about all of this, it’s just my opinion based on what I have observed.



Liam Ireland
Liam Ireland

Written by Liam Ireland

I'm a writer who writes his life, a life just like yours, and creates great connections. Welcome on board.

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