Not that it matters, but you say "...we men...” which I take it to mean you are a man. Then you say “..we hear you....” which is a tad confusing. Who is the second we?
That aside, let them speak! They never bloodywell shut up. :) Our insecurities? What insecurities are they? "...feel a fraction...” Oh dear, sorry, you are the one who needs to wake up. The hen pecked physically and verbally abused man is legendary, he is a figure of comedy.
“Starting to feel a fraction....” I have been sexually and physically abused by four older sisters as a child and was viciously attacked by two of those sisters when I was 58! I have been married to two linatics who not only put me in hospital with violence, but also were discovered to be plotting to kill me. And I am not alone. You need to travel the world a little. In Spain for hundreds of years women have been bumping off their spouse by adding drops of bleach to his meals.
Sorry, you have swallowed that myopic narrative hook line and sinker.