Ok, just to inspire you to make a start, just write something first. Choose post, then top right click on Start Writing. Do not place a photo at the top of your post.
Next, go to Website and halfway down you will see select/clear, and under that Thumbnail. That is where you place your photo. The system will put it in place all on its own. You can import from your own library or from Unsplash.
Then go through all the stuff top right, post, email, website, SEO, Delivery.
To publish, go to ‘Delivery’ top right. Then go to Preview bottom left. A pop-up will appear. Make sure to click on desktop and website.
Then go to Schedule, bottom right, then finally you have two choices, schedule a time on the left or go to Publish Now on the right. That has just saved you an hour looking for publish.
That's to get you started. Just explore the rest. If you get stuck click on the Help bot called Buzz, it is actually very helpful. Just tell it exactly what you want to do and it will tell you. If you still get stuck, message me and I will probs be able to help you out. I have spent a month creating three sites, so I know my way around it quite well by now. Good luck.
Oh yeah, Medium. That is a piece of piss compared to this. But you're a smart lad by the looks of your profile, so although it might be a bit of a challenge at first, you actually get to enjoy it. Well, I did.