One. You read one story. I have written many others addressing those issues you mention. Two, did you take the trouble to read the men bashing article I mentioned/tagged at the beginning? If you did, did you also take that writer to task? I doubt that you did either. Dignified? Their is nothing dignified about an extra marital affair. I call it how I see it. You don’t have to read it. Bad choices? They did not seem like that at the time I made them. They lied, how on earth is that your bad? No, their bad! Laws? Which ones? Legal or universal? Certainly legal laws do not favour the man. In ninety eight percent of cases women get custody. I paid all child support for their childhood years up front by mutual agreement. Then they went after me for more through the courts and ruined three very good businesses that cost lots of people, including innocent female employees, their much needed jobs. Why didn’t I run? I did, for fiteen years! I was not looking for a repair shop, nor did I expect a wrecking crew. Indecent? What was done to me was extremely indecent, and looking at other comments by other readers lots of other men have had a similar raw deal. The problem is that when women speak out nobody would dare to take them to task for it. But if a man such as myself speaks out some people try to close him down. I guess some folk can dish it out but can’t take a plateful themselves.