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Out Of The Mouths Of The Innocent

Sometimes the innocent will get you hung

Liam Ireland


Cristina Anne Costello on Unsplash

I have often thought that what comes out of a child's mouth is far closer to the truth of the matter than anything an adult will ever tell you. I really do not know at what age humans begin to tell lies. I suspect it depends on how soon the responsible adults begin to teach the child lies. And if it's not lies, it's something acutely embarrassing, sometimes it's both.

I well remember many many years ago when one of my own children let slip something she had been told to keep schtum about by her mother. Allow me to explain, it's really quite hilarious not to mention revealing. Now before I tickle your fancy with that little gem, let me give you an idea of the way my ex and her family's minds worked, particularly in matters of sex.

Being puritanical Victorian thinking people, my ex's grandmother referred to the act of sex as "When the two bloods meet." See what I mean? I swear these people were aliens from another planet speaking a language I simply didn't understand, though I soon learned to work it all out.

One day after my separation from their mother I took my children for a walk in a local beauty spot. Suddenly my youngest told me that there was something troubling her but that her mother had made her…



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