Sadly I have lost my children forever. They did suspect her affair and my youngest daughter asked me to confirm it. However, the same daughter then went to visit me (Where I lived in Spain) with her elder sister and a friend and began to abuse my hospitality to the point of even ridiculing me just for the fun of it. At one point that same younger daughter compared me very unfavourably with their mother in a very disparaging manner and I did not react well at all to that. I spoke to both daughters in private and demanded respect instead of ridicule. That was in 2010 and I have not heard from them since. I have tried to re-establish contact several times but they do not want it. The last time I simply asked for their postal addresses so I could re-start sending Christmas and birthday cards, but through their elder brother they declined the offer. As for me being strong, I almost went down the pan due to other equally nasty events at the hands of her arrogant father and her best arch feminist friend and her partner. They all fell for her lies and pitched in to teach me a lesson. At the same time, her friends and her sister provided cover and bullshit alibis for my ex. How did I find all of this was going on? Simple. I bugged my own phone. It was the worst and the best thing I ever did. The best because I finally got to the bottom of what was going on behind my back, the worst because the lies and insults sent me into a downward spiral of serious depression. I bare made it through. On a more positive note, I am now happily re-married and have been for some ten years and have a wonderful life in Japan with my Japanese wife. Of course, I have never told her this story. And as you may have guessed I write under a pseudonym and have a false avatar. Anyway, thank you for asking.
I did write all about that awful affair and what really happened in fine detail, as well as my almost equally awful second marriage to some batshit crazy Spanish woman, in a book titled The Dark Side of an Ordinary Woman. I used another pen name for that, Ryan O’Bryan, and published the book on Amazon.