The New President of America
Why It’s High Time America Elected A Female President
Let me make one thing clear, Kamala Harris should not be elected just because she’s a woman, but because she is somebody who has earned what it takes to be the President, who happens to be a woman.
Harris is highly educated, professionally qualified, hugely experienced, and above all, incredibly politically savvy. She has already shown that she will truck no nonsense from an intimidatory billionaire and his devious cronies.
Of course, Harris has all of the personal qualities mandatory for the highest office in the land. She is unafraid to ruffle a few feathers, with Attorney General Jeff Sessions once saying her questioning “makes me nervous”. She certainly has a colourful record of standing up to people for what she believes in. Others such as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh have been held to account with demands for their dismissal. William Barr, Attorney General for the Trump administration (2019–2020) fared no better after he attempted to cover up Trump’s alleged obstruction of justice.
In her personal life, Harris appears to not have any salacious skeletons in the cupboard, nothing akin to the colourful background of her mentor’s nemesis, Donald John Trump. Harris is of mixed ancestry, her mother being from India and her father Afro-Jamaican. This is in part one of the things that make Harris so appealing to many Americans.
The attraction of a mixed family ethnic background is so typical of many Americans who feel that she can relate to their struggle and fight not only to survive but also to get on in life. She is, in a phrase, the living epitome of the American Dream. Like Barrack Obama before her, she is a beacon of light for the downtrodden. If a woman of colour can reach the top, anybody can.
What will surely help Harris to become the first female President of the United States, is the competition. Many people are asking, “Do we really want more of the braggadocio pretender Trump to the throne?” And, to make matters worse, we have state senator George Lang proclaiming at a Republican event…
“It’s the greatest experiment in the history of mankind, and if we come down to a civil war, I’m glad we got people like … Bikers for Trump.”
As if people haven’t had enough of political thuggish bullying and the threat of more violence on a grand scale, this fool seems to think it’s ok to put the frighteners on the electorate to win the election. No change there, then. If we don't win we’ll spit our dummy out stronger than ever before. Enough already, it is high time for a change of script.
Yes, by its nature politics is divisive and up for debate, but if we cannot reconcile our differences without having to resort to the threat of violence, or lord forbid actual violence, then we forego the right to call ourselves civilised.
Trump’s time is up, just as it was for Joe Biden. Both are old school and now too advanced in age for what must be one of the toughest jobs on the planet. A completely fresh start, with a leader who is younger, stronger, a darn sight smarter, and a badass, is what is needed to move the United States of America forward.
The elephant in the room of course is that Harris is a female of colour. Let it not be lost on anybody that 51 per cent of the American population is female. Neither should we ignore the fact that in every election since 1980, more women than men have turned out to vote. And yet women are clearly underrepresented in terms of the Presidency.
More than anything, what has traditionally held women back has not been so much a female lack of political ambition, but rather the glass ceiling men installed from the beginning and still work assiduously to maintain.
It is time now to break that ceiling down and let a very capable woman take the reigns. She cannot possibly do any worse than the warring enfant terrible who is running against her. It is time for Trump to shuffle off the stage, just like his arch foe Joe Biden has had the good grace to do. This is not about satisfying your overblown ego, but about doing what is right and good for the United States.
Vote for Kamala Harris, not just because she is a woman of colour, but because she is the right person for the job. The right person at the right time, to take America forward into a bright new future. God bless America.