This article is full of sweeping statements generalising both sexes and doing neither any favours.
The so called Patriarchal Symphony you speak of is socially and culturally actually co-composed.
What about all the Mills and Boon female writers who promote this construct?
What about all of the Hollywood female producers who contribute to this symphony.
What about all of women who play the exclusivity possession game as well?
In reality, men too are looked upon as hands off property.
Let’s not ignore the fact that for a great many people monogamy offers a place to grow and explore the world with the certainty of somewhere safe for both parties.
Men are generally only applauded for their non monogomous sexual indiscretions by those men who commit such acts. Most decent men refer to them as untrustworthy louses.
Your script is based upon old perceptions, which were never entirely true to begin with.
You come across as a hostage to so many misconceptions of what men are really like it beggars belief.
You are asking for equality with a model of men that simply does no exist exactly as you see it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander mentality seldom ends well, especially when it is based upon a false construct.
I have seen, and personally experienced, relationships where women demand parity with this fairy tale construct of yours and lived to rue the day. The man finds somebody he prefers and the woman ends up alone. Then she gets all possessive and angry and sets out to destroy the man. If she can no longer have him all to herself, she will leave him as damaged goods so that nobody will want him. As for the children of such relationships, well their interests have been completely, callously ignored with devastating effects in their future, adult lives. A great many have become alienated, or disenfranchised, from one or both parents and have serious emotional and or psychological problems. Still, don’t let that get in the way of you having a good time.
You are simply recommending dumping one construct for another. I will leave you with the thoughts of none other than arch second wave ultra feminist writer Germain Greer, who once told women to burn their bra and put it all about. These days she “…retracts her earlier optimism about the sexual revolution, now presenting sexual freedom as a destructive rather than a liberating force in society.” You have been warned.