Well first of all, thank you for taking the trouble read the article. The other side of the pancake? When I got divorced from their mother the children were very young and I was bound to protect them from the awful truth about their mother. Over the following years contact was sporadic due to my ex and her interferring parents who felt free deny me access and to fill my childrens heads with malicious lies about me. My children even told me themselves what was being said about me. I said nothing. I told myself that one day when they were mature enough to deal with the truth I would perhaps tell them what really happened. However, as the years went by I decided it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. However, when they were in their twenties my two daughters went to stay with me and brought a friend at my house in Spain, which was where I was living at that time. For whatever reason, some perverse sense of fun, the two girls began to insult, demean and humiliate me in front of their friend. Their remaks were all clearly based on the lies about me that they had been fed. I have to confess, I did not react well to that and defended myself by blurting out some of the truth, but not all of it, to illustrate that their comments were unwarranted. Of course, I did that in private, well out of earshot of their friend. Anyway, they went ballistic and shunned me. I guess what I told them did not sit well with their perception of their mother who they constantly refer to as ‘The best Mum in the world.’ Since that time (2010) I have made several attempts to make amends. Alas, they have chosen to reject my overtures and have made it clear that they never want to hear from me ever again. I have to accept that and get on with my own now wonderful life on the other side of the world.