With you all the way on this one Suzanna. I only discovered what it must be like when as a man on the recieving end I went through it too. Then I got what it was like. I too overstayed, I should have called it a day a lot sooner. What kept me in putting up with that physical and emotional abuse? One, the kids we had, I felt I owed it to them to put up with all of that, until it became impossible to continue without risking serious harm to my health and my life. Also, I am sure you will agree, abuse is very insidious, it creeeps and creeps into your life almost without realising it at first. And at the same time, as you say, your self esteem and confidence disappear into thin air. And they tell you that you would never make it alone, you wouldn’t have a clue how to survive. And you start to question yourself if it’s true. And then you become afraid of what the future may hold and feel that you're life is nearing the end. And at the same time you are being abused, I was told it was all my fault. Talk about victim blaming. Men should walk a few miles in a woman’s shoes to see how that feels. And at the end, when I asked her that question why was she abusive she replied “I just wasn’t happy at that time.” I am sure male abusers give the same answer. Thankfully I came out of it. I did survive and am now happily married to a woman who is a saint in my eyes. Thank you for saying that although statistically, men are more guilty than women, it can happen to men as well. Well done.