Wow!!! I admire you for getting through that and now speaking out about it. Well done. I don’t even know you and yet feel proud of you. There are several reasons for this apart from you are a fellow human being who had it rough. In 2020 I was suddenly struck down (in the South of Spain) with some mystery illness my doctors said was simply old age. My whole body was racked with excruciating pain, though my shoulders and hips, were the worst. My wife had me flown home to Japan and a local doctor diagnosed what it was on sight. He stopped all the medications the Spanish gave me, including tramadol, for cancer patients. He put me on steroids, a maximum dose, and all my pains disappeared within hours. What I had, and still have, but under control, is PMR/GCA. It is more common in women I have learned. Anyway, like you I went to hell and back and always admire anybody who gets through that sort of thing. Well done.